Thursday, July 22, 2010

Coasting up the Coast

We continued north up the coast of the first finger of the Peloponnesus, stopping at the island of Spetsai and then settling into a beautiful bay just south of Navplion. Sometimes you find a spot that you just want to hang out in. This was one of those bays. We ended up spending a couple of nights there before heading for the town marina. One of those nights was July 4th which we celebrated with Jean Michael who is French, Raul who is from Madrid and Scott who is from Santa Cruz. We had a small barbeque on the beach complete hamburgers, watermelon, Greek potato salad and ending with sparklers. At night, away from city lights, the stars provide their own sparkle. But what was really unexpected is swimming in the bay in the darkness. As your hands and feet move through the ink black water, glittery phosphorescent plankton light up around you. It really is an Avatar experience with these tiny sparkles of light encircles your hands. It feels like you are in a Disney film where with the move of a magic wand, light shimmers.

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