Monday, August 16, 2010

The Last Finger

If you look at the Peloponnesus on a map, it looks like a big bear footprint with 3 claws and a thumb. After 3 weeks of sailing, we are on the last finger of the Peloponnesus. This coast has always been an important part of the trade route from India to Europe. Who ever controlled this coast controlled the flow of spices, silk, precious metals, gems, pearls and perfume flowing into Europe. It is why this area is covered with forts and castles and has changed control from one empire to the next more often then Madonna changes boyfriends. We have seen castles built by the French, added on to by the Venetians, and then had a tower built by the Turks.

It is also an area inhabited by Logger turtles. It is not uncommon to see a 2-foot turtle swimming in the bay. They can become quite friendly and some restaurants regularly clean their fish at the waters edge so these big playful turtles will swim right next to the waterfront while you are having dinner.

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