Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lovely Levkas

I have been to Levkas 3 times before. We started on the east side and then spent a couple of nights on the southwestern tip of the island in the deep bay of Vasiliki. This bay is one of the top 10 windsurf spots in Europe. And no wonder; at around 2 in the afternoon, the winds go from mild to torrent in a matter of minutes. You could watch the water turn from still to whitecaps as the wind progressed across the bay. As the wind picked up, so did the windsurfers until there were literally over 100 colorful sails cutting through the water at speeds that would make a powerboat jealous. It looked from a distance like a pack of sharks with colorful painted fins frantically zipping back and forth, looking for prey. Just as quickly as the wind had come up, a couple hours later it dissolved into the sea and the windsurfers dissolved onto shore for a night of bragging and vibratos.

My favorite part of the island is the west coast. The beaches are some of the most spectacular in all of Europe. The terrain is steep and plunges just as deep into the blue sea. The cliffs look like they were sliced off with a knife covered in orange marmalade. Many of the beaches are only accessible by boat. So even during August, there are a lot of deserted beaches. We anchored out for a night in one such beach. There was no protection from the wind and sea, but the weather was calm and the holding good. We hung out most of the day until the early afternoons picked up. When they were strong enough, we raise our sails and pointed the boat to Pervezia, a nice sized town tucked safely in a deep bay, on the mainland of Greece.

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