Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sheer Cliffs and Sheer Delight

We headed out to one of my favorite ports in the Mediterranean, Cassis. Instead of attempting to squeeze into its tiny marina, we ended up anchoring out in one of the beautiful bays nearby. That experience was to change the way I sail in the Mediterranean. While we don’t get to plug into electricity and fresh water every night, we do get to plug into nature in a very beautiful way. Picture perfect soaring cliffs embracing us with the moonlight shimmering on the ocean lighting a pathway to our boat. The slight summer breeze under a canopy of stars and a peace that is not possible in port fills the air with a magic not found in port. The boat rocks a little more during the night and you hear the ocean lap against its sides. It is a very connecting experience. We embrace it and want to do more of this kind of overnight stays. We stayed a couple of nights only going into port for gas before heading to Toulon.

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